Chevrolet Repair: Transmission rod to steering column., steering colum, chevy suburban

I had my steering column replaced on a 1989 Chevy Suburban. After replacing, when I was driving it got stuck in reverse. I looked from the tope and the rod from the transmission to the I think gear shift or whatever leads to the column. It is unattached and stuck in that lower position now. How would I get it unstuck to reattach it to the gear shift?

Hi Ira... I dont't understand where it is stuck...the rod that comes down the steering colum and ends under the hood all it does is turn.. there is a rod that should come from trans over to cross rod on the frame then a rod that goes up from there to the end of the shifter on the least i take it we are talking about an automatic trans...just reattach the rod that comes from the colum to the cross rod that goes from frame to bracket on trans. that cross rod should have two spots to attach rods to it from the trans the other from the colum, it should go from the frame with a plastic locater and spring to a bracket with a hole in it on the trans...then there should be a rod coming from it back to the trans...i hope this helps