Chevrolet Repair: 1995 chevy 2500 4x4 deisel torque, quarter turn, rear end
Questioni need the torque for the rear nut that holds the 13" drum on 1995 chevy 2500 4x4 deisel the nut requires the socket with for pins
AnswerHi Nathan... there is not really a torque for that nut...tighten nut till snug. rotate the drum a few times to be sure it has seated snug nut up again, make sure you have no play side to side, give it another quarter turn. should be tight...because you are tightening a bearing there is no torque as the bearing has to be able to turn on it's race...just make sure drum can turn freely and have no side to side play...make sure rear end is full of fluid...hope this helps