Chevrolet Repair: Chevolet express 1500, o2 sensors, cat converter

The engine runs rough and misfires what to do or look for

Hi Shellisa....well it could be a lot of things... when was last tune up, have you ever changed the O2 sensors, do you have a plugged cat converter, you don't say what year or engine size it is...have you installed a scan tool to see if there are any codes, could you have a bad tank of fuel, do you have correct fuel pressure (if in tank pump) or maybe plugged fuel filter. Broken or frayed wiring touching ground, plugged fuel injectors (if it has them) plugged or dirty EGR valve, plugged or dirty IAC... and i could make the list longer...try looking at the you have proper air,fuel,spark...and go from there...install scan tool and see if problem is computer related...sorry i can't be more accurate , hope this helps