Chevrolet Repair: 1997 chevy 1500, 1997 chevy 1500, check temp

1997 chevy 1500 5.7 truck starts and idles fine when cold after a few minutes it starts to buck and stall if you are driving down the road it wont stall unless you come to a stop but it bucks badly engine code p340 camshaft sensor is the only code I changed the distributor because i thought the camshaft sensor was in the distributor but it still runs the same if you have any ideas let me know thanks keith

Hi Keith... make sure you don't have a timing chain changed the dist, was it new one or used... did you check the ign module. another known problem on these trucks is the dist cap and sure you don't have a cap that is cross firing inside after warm up....check wiring going to the ign module, the dist, the coil for any areas that are frayed and touching ground... make sure that ign module is not heat sinking...(check to see that it has silicone under it to isolate it from heat) make sure dist shaft bushings are ok if you used a used dist...check temp sensor is reading correctly as that can affect how truck runs.... hope this helps