Chevrolet Repair: Front eng alignment, wheel alignment, cv shafts
Question1991 chevy v-8 4x4 has tires leaning kind of out from the top. Ball joints were replaced new brakes and calipers.New stabilizer bushings and new cv shafts. Aligning has been preformed twice for the same result. They say it is within tolerance. Would this be about right to drive, could it be the design of the vehicle , the weight, will monitor tire wear and rotate tires accordingly. Thanks
AnswerHi Ruben.... do you know if they did 4 wheel alignment or just lined up the front...if they did 4 wheel and it was on a rack that is current then you should be ok... they should have givin you a printout of the alignment and it will have the measurements on it...if you are not sure then take the printout to another shop and have them confirm the measurements are within the tolerances allowed....hope this helps