Chevrolet Repair: head gasket, chevy blazer, head gasket
QuestionHi i am about to purchase a 99 chevy blazer from a private seller(selling at $700.00 and about 150,000 miles on it) owner did state engine problems when inquried stated that it was head gasket. my questions is will be costly to fix or even worth buying, i'm a single mother just need a car to get back and forth to work not looking for a headache
AnswerHi Charleta.... yes it can be expensive...if you do end up buying this truck,,,(i have the same one.) do not change just one head gasket...for the little extra it cost to do them both it will save you a whole bunch of grief down the road...also you need to ask why gasket failed...did engine overheat and if it did are heads warped or cracked, do not have gaskets installed without having them checked by a machine shop (x rayed or magnafluxed). Also it may not be a head gasket, a very common problem for these engines is intake gasket failure...if you do this i would suggest to check for a shop that has a good rep....hope this helps....merry christmas