Chevrolet Repair: jimmy, fuel pump relay, fuel pump

I have a 1993 chevy jimmmy, My wife was driving it today and i die on her. Now I can turn the car over but it will not start. any idea of what the problem could be?

Hi Andrew.... could be one of several things...first check the ECM and fuel pump fuse...if ok, when you turn key to on do you hear fuel pump come on for 3 seconds...if not check for 3 seconds of power at the plug for the pump at the fuel tank...if you have power and pump does not run...change the pump...if you have no power for the 3 sec. check the fuel pump relay... now if all that is ok do and you have fuel to the you have spark...if not check the ign module coil and related components....cap, rotor, wires...etc..etc

Hope this helps