Chevrolet Repair: ignition coil, 1934 ford cabriolet, premature failure
QuestionI have a 1987 305 chevy engine in my 1934 ford cabriolet. The ignition coil has gone out, I have replaced it twice. Why does this keep going bad.
AnswerHi Rachel.... do you by chance have the coil laying down...if you do change it so it stands upright....too much of the coil surface is exposed when on it's side and that will shorten it's life. now if its the coil inside the cap, thats differant... check the ground wire inside the's the one that goes from a bolt holding the coil to the cap.bad connection there will cause premature failure.also do you have MSD ign.... if you do make sure the coil is right for the output of that system. and make sure that the power into the dist is 12 volts. more or less voltage can also cause premature failure. also check the ign module...if you have MSD ign make sure it is right one and also check wires going to it for a short to ground.... check to make sure it has enough silcone under it for heat disapation....hope this helps