Chevrolet Repair: 2000 Silverado 2500 stuttering, chevy silverado, studders
QuestionHi, i have a 2000 chevy silverado 2500 with the 6.0. When i try starting the truck it has a hard time turning on when it does the truck stutters real bad and sometimes turns off after about 1 minute it idles fine and runs fine but if i try accelerating it hard it stutters really badly and i have to let ho put it in neutral and rev it for a bit to control itself plz help and i have replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel regulator, air filter, iac valve and the problem wont go away plz help im going broke.
AnswerHi Fernie.... try installing a scan tool... see what codes come up... correct the problems and then test drive...when you have the scan toll installed check the misfire count and write down which cyls are misfiring...if after repairing any codes you still have the problem check the coil on each cyl that is misfiring...if in doubt about any change them around to cyls that are not misfiring and see if misfire moves to that cyl. if it does change the coil...most engine studders are an electricial problem not fuel....unless fuel pressure is not enough so make sure that you check fuel pressure and watch gauge when engine long as pressure stays the same you don't have a fuel problem before the inj. the only other thing that might cause a studder is poor inj pulse under load....then you would check the ecm....hope this helps