Chevrolet Repair: 1989 S10 miss, hi tim, delivery problem
QuestionI have an 89 4x4 S10 with a 2.8 and a 5speed. During warm up, the injectors will shut off for approx 1/2 a second intermittently causeing a miss, and bucking while trying to drive. After the truck warms up a bit, it stops. I watched the injectors to get this much info. I had several EGR codes (it is diconnected and plugged off.) Other than that, no codes. Any ideas? I don't wanna go to the dealer and spend lots of cash to find out they don't know either.
AnswerHi Tim.... did you get any codes for the 02 sensor...if not move on to the ign module...the one in the distributor...the heat sync in that module will cause that problem as well...the inj is linked to the ign and any loss of ign referance will cause inj to blink or shut off, so what seems like a fuel delivery problem is really an ign problem. check the wires in the dist that go to that module for any shorts to ground as well as the ign coil and related wireing...hope this helps