Question96 Cavalier, base engine - fuel starvation/ spark?
Car has 96k miles, well maintained.
Air Temperature above 50 degrees F, and not all the time, under acceleration, engine will sputter and “bog” like fuel starvation and start to lose power. Once It stalled and would not start for 45 minutes.
New wires, plugs, fresh air filter, clean intake assembly.
Thought at first some kind of “heat soak” condition, checked wiring, was going to R&R the fuel filter but the plastic release collar cracked.
OBD-2 shows codes 0171(lean bank 1), 0304 (cylinder 4 misfire), 0335 (CPS circuit malfunction)
I’ve only driven the car a few times since this happened in May of this year, can’t trust it.
Appreciate any help.
AnswerFirst off, I hate to say it, but you going to have to replace the fuel filter, unfortunately the only way to get that plastic clip is at the dealer. Next if you are having a lean condition, you most likely HAVE a fuel problem like you stated. If you are able to get a p0304, that is good. It's in the #4 cylinder, which narrows it down, to pretty much the fuel injector. It's not that bad to do. First check the connection at the injector.
That's my recommendation