Chevrolet Repair: Fuel problem on 1989 Chevy S10, chevy s10, fuel pump filter

QUESTION: Hey James, I have an S10 that seems to have a fuel issue.  It hesitates as if it's running out of gas, will die when slowing at an intersection, & sometimes won't want to start afterwards.  On the other hand, there are short periods where it's running great.  This is a list of work that has been done, but has not fixed the problem:  Fuel pump & filter changed, total tune up, checked distributor, changed modular on distributor, checked carburator, the injection system, fuel pressure, & the TBS sensor.  Any suggestions?  Car rentals are getting expensive.  Thanks for your time.

ANSWER: This doesn't really sound like a fuel issue, more  of a vacuum leak at the intake area, or possibly the ignition timing internally to the engine, may have jumped a tooth.  Need to check this with a timing light.  If it's a vacuum problem, you can check this with a can of carb cleaner, while truck is running spray around intake area and see if engines idle jumps up.  If does you have a vacuum leak.  What size engine is in this truck?  They had 2 back then, this may give me more info

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The engine is a 4.3.  Found a cracked vacuum line on manifold, but when sprayed carb cleaner around intake, idle wasn't raised.  Could it still be the problem?

Has this truck ever been scanned for any DTC's?  Check engine lights?  This would be a little more helpful for me to help diagnose.  It still seems like a pinched, or cracked vacuum line, as you have found.  I will have to do some more research, especially if you can come up with a DTC