Chevrolet Repair: 1981 Z28 heater core replacement, heater core replacement, control doors
Questionhow do I go about changing the heater core is it under dash or under the hood?Any other info would be appreciated. thanks Gerard
AnswerHi Gerard.... it's under the dash... and it's a whole lot of fun to do....there is really no way to tell you how to do it without running into several pages of e mail....heater box has to come out... you need to remove the heater hoses where they connect to the core against the fire wall first...then remove all the screws that hold the heater box in... disconnect all the cables that connect to the control doors in the box...then comes the really fun part getting the box out from under the dash... trust me if you have never done one before it would be well worth the money to take it to a shop that has...a quick fix for the summer is to remove the heater hoses from the core at the firewall and join them won't have any heat but if core is leaking that will by pass the core for now....hope this helps