Chevrolet Repair: 1999 Chevy Silverado Wouldnt Start, chevy silverado, ok check
QuestionHi Robert
I was driving fine, the next day I went to start my truck it cranks but would not start, I changed plugs, still nothing. My mechanic doens't even know where to start.
it's a 1999 Silverado 1500, 5.3 engine, ext cab.
AnswerHi nigel.... did you check to see if fuel pump is working... when you turn key to on it should come on and run for 3 seconds...if not check the fuse, then the relay, if both ok check for power at the pump...if you have power at the plug and a good ground and still pump won't run...replace the don't say if you have spark...if you don't check the cap and rotor...they are a known bad problem on these trucks....if in doubt replace them....hope this helps