Chevrolet Repair: 1986 Chevrolet Caprice Classic Distributor, chevrolet caprice classic, chevrolet caprice
QuestionRecently, a tow truck driver unplugged the electrical connection on the distributor of my 1986 Chevrolet Caprice Classic. The ignition switch had broken and I couldn't turn off the engine. I need to re-connect the plug so that I can drive the car to a repair shop. I can't figure out how, or where, the connector should be plugged in. Can you tell me how to do this?
AnswerHi Andrew... the plug will go on the side of the dist cap and plug in upwards. there should be two connections on that cap... one plug will go towards the back and the single wire should go into the spot marked power.... hope this helps....
Hi Andrew... we can't send pics on this link.... go to a parts store and ask to see a dist cap for that car... you will then see where the plug in is....