Chevrolet Repair: Intermittant starter problems, selenoid, chevy k10
QuestionI have a 1984 Chevy K10 that fails to start every so often. There does not seem to be any lack of power from the battery and I have replaiced the selenoid and selenoid heat shield. When it fails to start, I turn the key and I get nothing. The engine does not turn, the starter makes no clicking sounds. All I get are dimmed dash lights and nothing else. When it does start, it starts without problems. Also, I seem to have the most trouble if I try to start it after having just shut it off for a few minutes. Like when I fill up at the gas station or stop at a convience store. If I let it set for about 30 minutes, It will start right up.
Any ideas?
AnswerHi Tim... some where in the start system you have a bad or dirty connection. check battery connections and clean, same at the starter. also check to be sure that when you park the truck that shifter is all the way in park, qiuck check on that would be next time it won't go lift up on the shifter and hold then try to start as it could be misalinged nuteral safty switch....check all fuseable links as well... hope this helps