Chevrolet Repair: Intermittent start problem, volunteer hours, dash lights
Question1998 Blazer LS 4.3 auto After sitting overnight when you turn the key all the dash lights come on but doesn't turn over unless you hold the key in the start position for a long time sometimes a minute or more. then fires right up. After driving it, it starts again fine right away. battery posts have been cleaned, it seems to gradually be getting worse. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and I must say I really appreciate all you guys that put in all these volunteer hours to answer questions of all kinds from many different people!
AnswerHi Mona...check the wires at the starter, make sure they are clean. if you clean them and problem is still there you may need to look at the ign switch....the contacts inside may be is located under the dash on the top of the steering coloum...a quick check would be to put tester on the small wire at the starter and turn key to start, does tester light up right away...if it does switch is ok, you may have to check solonid on the starter.hope this helps