Chevrolet Repair: 95 Suburban 4x4 front axle 1500, leaks, wheel drive
QuestionI'm getting a grinding noise in my front axle when I give it throttle in 2 wheel drive . I can run it all day in 4 wheel & it works fine . I replaced the actuator last week and I thought that fixed my problem but today it started grinding again when I give it fast throttle . It almost seems like its not coming out of 4 wheel drive completely . Any suggestions on what may be causing it to grind . JR
AnswerHi JR... check the vacum pot for the front actuator, make sure it has vacum going to it and that it holds vacum... make sure you have no leaks...check the vacum solonid to make sure it is working and not leaking vacum...make sure the cable that moves actuator is not frayed...and that the actuator can travel it's complete distance...hope this helps