Chevrolet Repair: auto repair, auto repair question, 2005 chevy malibu

QUESTION: 2005 chevy malibu....the car starts fine but the steering wheel is extremely hard to turn in both directions making driving impossible. Any clues as to why and maybe how to fix would be greatly appreciated....thank you.


 Have you checked the power steering fluid?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response, yes I've checked the power steering fluid and all seems fine. Any other ideas? Thanks again.

Hi walter.

 You need to jack the front end up so both wheels are off the ground and the key is turned to the run position but the car is NOT running. Grab a tire and physically try and turn it side to side.  All the way from the left to the right and back to the centered position.  If it it takes all you have to do this you have seized upper strut mount bearings or seized ball joints.  If you hear a 'boinging' noise when turning thats probably the springs unloading from seized plates.
 If the wheels move easily from side to side with little effort you might need a steering rack or pump.
