Chevrolet Repair: 99 S-10 Cranking issues, crank sensor, cam sensor
QuestionI have a 99 S-10 2.2 5-speed 2wd 133,000 miles.I've replace the starter twice because of strange noises. This time I replaced the starter and flywheel. the f'wheel had a broken tooth. It still acts strange. The engine tries to "kick back" when cranking. Reminds me of a wet distributor cap from years ago. I removed the ECM fuse to disable the ignition and it cranks fine, so I'm pretty sure it's ignition related. Once it starts, it runs perfect, no check engine light, no codes. Someone suggested replacing the crank sensor and the cam sensor. I did, no change. I'm know I'm going to ruin another starter and flywheel if I don't solve the problem. Have you heard of this problem before? I do have new plugs and wires on it and the wires are well placed to prevent crossfiring, but I've never replace any coils. I'm scared to use the truck until I fix this problem.
I have had seen weak crank sensors and defective ignition modules cause this problem. If the moduel gets an incorrect TDC reading it will fire at the wrong time and because it is waste spark system it will still run. You can check the crank sensor by checking its resistance. It should be 900-1300ohms.
Another thing to check is to pull the 5.5 mm bolts out of the coils and clean the little spot on the coil where the bolt goes through. It is a ground and they get really scuzzy.