Chevrolet Repair: no spark to plugs 1973 corvette 454, ballast resistor, jumper wire

   Drove car into garage and replaced valve seals. Also replaced points,condenser and installed new plugs.Car will not start. I CHEcked and have power to both positive and negative sides of coil,points are opening and closing and dwell is set at 30. I installed a new coil and still will not start.Removed both wires from positive side of coil,ran jumper wire from positive side of battery to coil,still no spark.I now installed new cap and rotor-still no start.Is there a ground wire somewhere inside the destributor? There is no ballast resistor on this car, the coil does not have a resistor built into it so am correct assuming that the wire going from the positive side of the coil to theignition switch is a reistor wire? Could you please inform me what other tests could be done on the system? Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU


 Sorry for the delay.  Busy day.

 It sounds like you missed the little insert that goes between the points and the case of the distributor.  If the points touch ground there is no collapsing of the primary coil and no spark.  Double check that there is no continuity to ground at the points when the points are open.
