Chevrolet Repair: 1991 chevy lumina, chevy lumina, brake calipers

I have a 91 chey lumina and i have been driving it since I could drive. well last april for prom I let my brother drive it well i drove our new truck. Well my brother fell asleep and jumped a ditch and nose dived it into a muddy feild. My dad thought it was toast for some reason when the only thing was smashed up was the radiotor and the frame the radiator sits on. so he drained the oil and and took the tires off and sold them well i have been though two cars since then and i think i might try and fix this one in my shop time. But the brake calipers have been exsposed since august and look a little brown. Its been covered in snow all winter with no rims and tires on it so the calipers have been exsposed. it was very gas efficent. So do you think it would be cost effective or even safe to get this car on the road again. and if so wat should be done about the brake calipers


 Don't worry about the calipers.  The rotors are probably going to have to be replaced at this time anyways.
  The calipers are always exposed to the elements and the only thing that keeps the rotors clean is driving.  The same thing would happen if you had the wheels on if it sat.
 Its a tough call about a car that I can't see but I can tell you that a 1991 lumina is a way too high maintenance car to spend much time and money on.  Take some digital pictures of it and send them to [email protected] and I will get a better idea of the general condition.
