Chevrolet Repair: 1995 Chevy Corsica, chevy corsica, 1995 chevy corsica
QuestionQUESTION: Why do I have water puddles in both front floorboards when it rains? This is not just dampness, I literally have puddles. No outwardly visible leak sources, no signs of water dribbling in around windows. No antifreeze in the water.
ANSWER: Is there a sunroof?
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QUESTION: no sunroof. no signs of water entering around windows, windshield or dash unless it could be trickling down inside the dash.
AnswerIs there any rust on the car? You could check the leak with a garden hose and try to isolate it. If you remove the lower kick panel on the passengers side and run water over the front of the car it will help you see where it is coming in. A plugged evaporator core drain tube causes this as well. Is the water on both sides in thefront or just one side.