Chevrolet Repair: Tire wear, chevy malibu, wheel alignment

We have a 2003 Chevy Malibu. It has about 95k miles on it. I'm on my 3rd set of tires in the back. They always seem to chop on the inside. I always have the car aligned when I put new tires on but they always end up getting chopped in about 6-8 months time. They end up humming like snow tires and it's really quite annoying. I'm starting to wonder if the car just has too much body roll. My wife drives the car most of the time and she has a bad habit of taking corners a little too fast. However, I still have my doubts that this is the root cause. I just can't keep tires on the rear. Any advice?

Hi Evert... are these tires just inexpencive ones or do they have a good tread wear rating...if they are lined up and properly inflated they should last... i have found that some tires have too soft a compound and will wear like that...if you still suspect that they are not lined up right, try a differant shop and get a computerized 4 wheel alignment. i have found that hankook and dayton tires are about the best in tread wear and not really expencive... hope this helps