Chevrolet Repair: 1996 chevy s10 blazer parking brake, chevy s10 blazer, s10 blazer
QuestionQUESTION: For 2 days my parking brake light has been on. I didn't use it before the light came on. It doesn't appear to be stuck. I engaged and released it several times. The light is still on. Does this sound like something dangerous? No smells, sounds, or any other difference in the brakes. Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Hi christy,
Make sure the lever is coming all the way up and when you pull the release give it a tug upwards. Check the brake fluid level as this will turn the light on as well.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: We also have a Chevy Silverado (2004) with 26,000 mi and the check engine light keeps coming on with the warning that We need to tighten the gas cap. It appears to be tight. We have tightened it several times and we get the same message. Thoughts?
It could be a defective cap. The cap is designed to seal Hydrocarbons from the atmosphere and there is an o-ring on the inside that might not be seating.
There are valves in the EVAP system that close and purge hydrocarbons through a carbon canister and then are burnt along with injected fuel.
Bring the cap to a registered emissions center and they will probably test it for free.