Chevrolet Repair: 2003 Chevy Venture squeals like a pig, power steering pump, chevy venture

I have a 2003 Chevy Venture 3.4 L (not AWD) with about 110,000 miles, mostly highway.  I have a pulley that is squeaking, only at low and idle speeds, and just by careful listening with the hood open, I THINK that the noise is coming from the top pulley, which is the power steering pump.  I have several questions:
1. Can I change the pulley without messing with the pump, if it is indeed the pump?
2. Are the other pulleys going to start falling like dominoes, leaving me to do this again and again?
3. How difficult is it to change the belt tensioner, which I may as well do while I'm in there, and the power stearing pump?
I have changed the alternator and the belt tensioner on my aging '97 Pontiac Grand Am, but am a novice mechanic with limited tools.

1. A power steering pump puller tool is required to remove the pulley. I have never replaced one on a venture for squealing.
2. Not really.  Every pulley is a bit different in bearing design.  I would only replace idlers and tensioner when need be.
3. The belt tensioner only needs to be replaced if it is on an angle or seized or has a bad bearing.  It is pretty easy to replace without having all of the tools in the world.  If you can do a alternator on the grand am this one is just a bit different but not terrible.

 Replace the belt and make sure all of the flat side pulleys are not gummed up.  Do not use belt dressing or oil on a belt.  With the belt off check all of the pulleys for lateral and bearing play.

