Chevrolet Repair: 1997 Chevy Tahoe, crank sensor, chevy tahoe

QUESTION: I was driving home and it just quit! It wont start!! at first i thought it was the battery, so i got a new one and it still wont start. When i turn over the key it acts like something is  is stopping it from starting. I even tried spraying ethenol in the carborater, I can hear the fuel pump when the key is turned to the on position, it was running fine, then started to miss, now this!! I had to have it towed home, any suggestions or ideas on my problem?
Please help me

ANSWER: I don't like the sound of that.  Was there any noise or lights before it quit?


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QUESTION: all the warning lights came on the dash board, but there wasn't any noise. what do you think it is?


 If you were driving and it just quit and the starter won't turn themotor over......

 I think what you need to do is see if the engine will turn manually.  disconnect the battery and go under and put a 5/8 socket on the crank bolt and try and turn themotor over clockwise with a ratchet that provides enough torque.  If the motor turns ok we can work back from there.  Your description can be read as if the motor locked up.  I don't understand if you are trying to say them motor doesnt turn over or doesnt catch.


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QUESTION: sorry im not very smart when it comes to autos, so i talked to my bf and he to explain it like this.. Initially the Tahoe was missing, then progressively got worse, then stalled out 1 day. The battery cable was loose, so we tightened it down and it took a little bit to jump it, but once it started it ran great for awhile, recently it was missing a lot, progressively getting worse, and stalled out again. Cant jump it. Tried a new battery. It does turnover, but wont start, theres a good spark off coal, there was one "hiccup" like, out of spark plug wire, someone looked at it and suggested it was the "crank sensor". Is there any way to rest the crank sensor with a ohm tester to see if that is the problem? Before buying the part. If so how? Also do you think thats what it could be or do you have any thoughts or ideas on what it is? I really appreciate your help.

Sorry it is taking me too long to answer today.  My son's Hockey team is in playoffs and game 5 of the first round is tomorrow!  I am the Coach, extra practice, busy shop, busy schedule, family man and no limit on questions keeps me busting my butt!!!

 Put a new distributor cap on it.  IT is probably contaminated with moisture and causing the missfires and no start.  We put at least 1 or 2 on a week.
