First off, thank you for being available to answer questions. My 1995 Chevy
Astro van won't start suddenly today. It will turn over, but it is not moving
fuel. My father (highly mechanically inclined) is investigating, but we are
trying to establish the power source for the fuel pump before we assume it is
the actual pump, drop the tank, and replace the pump. He has looked at the
wiring diagram and the fuse diagram, but sees no indication of power
connection for the fuel pump in specific. Can you tell me, by chance, if there
is a hard-wired source without a safety fuse? Any thoughts here? All advice
is welcome. I appreciate your time.
Lena Morrill
There is a fuel pump, fuse and relay. The fuse and relay are in the power distribution box ahead of the driver in the engine compartment beside the master cylinder. Pull relay and look at side of it. Jump the terminals that indicate a switch ./. not the coil. This will supply 12v at pump unit all the time iwth key on. Give the tank a boot with your foot.