Chevrolet Repair: door hinge repair - 95 chevy tahoe, needle nose pliers, chevy tahoe

I am trying to replace the upper door hinge pin & bushings of the drivers door of my 95 4wd Tahoe. Door-spring is preventing removal of existing pin.
Does this spring need to be removed? And if so, how do I accomplish successful spring removal and re-install?
Thank you


Ah yes.  The dastardly door assistance spring.  That spring is a pain in the ass without the tool but it can be done. Yes, you do have to take it out because the lower pin comes up and out. And that stupid spring is in the way.  That spring gives the hinge its detent.  It allows it to snag on the second cam in the lower hinge to help keep it open that 60 or 70 degrees.  I hate that spring. I hate it very much without the tool.
The tool on the other hand makes that spring very very very easy to deal with.  And you don't have that tool but fret not.  There is a way to put them in without it.  It still isnt easy but it can be done.
 If you can borrow the tool.  Do it now  if not, this is one of two ways I managed to weasle it back in there.
YOu are going to need a bench vise with small jaws on it.  PUt it in the vise and close it up so that the upper and the lower coils can permit mechanics wire to be wrapped around. Wrap the wire at least 5 times around then twist it together.  IF you email me at [email protected] I can draw you a picture on my tablet.
 The second way is to use hose clamp needle nose pliers.  If you have them you already know how to work them.  YOu grab the spring and compress it, put it on the pillar side nub first and then guide it down with a long screwdriver over the door nub.

Wayne ' I really hate those springs' Howie

 There is probably an easier way than you and I both know but since I bought the tool I never really investigated it.
