Chevrolet Repair: modual problem,coil ???, voluntering, thin arms
QuestionQUESTION: thanks for voluntering.I did it for years.I have 1996 corsica with 2.2 motor.hard starting when damp out.I am told its possible modual and 2 coils.How hard to check,and how hard to change it if im using ramps to put car on.dont have a hoist.module here is 230 dollars,and coils 35 each.
It isn't going to be the module. The module on a 2.2 is under the coils and whether it is damp or not will not affect the module. What can happen though is carbon arcing down the coil to the ground stud. Take a windex bottle with water on it an atomize a mist on the coils and try to star it. If you see spark coming out the side take the coils off, clean the towers and closely inspect the towers for little hairline carbon marks that go to the hole where the 5.5mm bolt goes through. You can try and scuff the carbon off but I think replacement is the best.
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QUESTION: how hard are they to get at,i apreciate your help
can i get at it from using ramps
They are a bit of a cranky job. They are mounted on the back of the engine under the intake. They can be done from up top on the drivers side if you have thin arms. I have taken the two 15mm out of the master and left all the brake lines on it to move it over a bit. That seems to help. If its an automatic you can barely see the damn thing from underneath anyways. If its a standard its GRAVY from underneath.
The coil packs are bolted to the module with two 5.5mm bolts. Take the wires off, take the bolts out x4 and the module is probably going to float on the bracket.