QuestionQUESTION: i have a 1993 chevy p/u 4.3 V/6,i need to replace the lifters in it,but i can't seem to find the order to adjust the valves when it's cold. could you please send me that order please i know you do so many on #1 on comp.stroke then rotate the engine 360 and adjust the rest but i don't know which ones,thank you
ANSWER: TDC 1 then adjust the exhaust valve, move to the next cylinder and do intake. Follow the firing order to the end. Sorry for the delay.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i really don't under stand your answer.i know you bring it up on comp.stroke on #1 cyl. and adjust different valves on different cylinders,then rotate the engine 360 the adjust the other valves i just need to know which ones to do on the compresson stroke and which ones to do after i rotate the engine 360,thanks
Thats not how I do it sorry. I put the engine at TDC1 and adjust the exaust valve, turn engine till valve starts to open and set up the next valve. Follow the firing order and then rotate engine and follow pattern again while checking lash.