Chevrolet Repair: Interior dome lamp wiring diagram, chevy c10, headlamp switch
QuestionQUESTION: I have just purchased a '71 Chevy C10 but it did not come with a dome light (interior). I just bought the replacement light with the supplied wiring harness. Where does this run to, and then plug into? Can anyone help?
The door switch goes in the pillar beside the column and the wiring should be hooked in to a fuse. Is it a dealer or aftermarket one?
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QUESTION: 1971 GMC pick up: Well I am actually very mechanically inclined...have done a lot of auto work. However, I never jump into anything (especially wiring) without assistance. The lamp I bought is an aftermarket, although it is a perfect re-creation of the factory. It comes wired with a two lead harness, and a square looking connector. Any idea where that may go? I am thinking possibly to the headlamp switch, because that is obviously how you control the interior lamp from inside the cab. Thanks for your help...any more for me?
Answeryou just want to know where the wires go? To the headlamp switch. You run it off the switch for the dash dimmer. So when the dash dimmer gets turned all the way to full the lights come on. You can feel it when you turn the switch. You might have to buy a new one with that option but it should fit and they are incredibly cheap. My 71 Eldorado has a similiar switch. GM's in those years were all kinda the same. A little different here and there but pretty much the same idea.