Chevrolet Repair: Bench Bleeding 1991 Lumina APV Master Cylinder, lumina apv, lumina van

Hi Wayne,
Can you please tell me what the correct master cylinder bench bleeding procedure is for a 1991 Lumina van? All the techniques I have found online refer to cylinders with only 2 ports. Since the 1991 has 4 ports (2 on each side), I am unsure of the exact procedure. Plastic plugs were provided with the new cylinder, but the instructions are not clear on where each of the colored plugs are to be placed during the procedure.  


 The thing that bothers me about the bleeder fittings (plastic) ones that come with remans is that they typically don't fit worth a crap, the plastic bleed lines come off when you pressurize them or they suck air on the out stroke.  I have a pressure bleeder with more adapters than you can imagine but I still do them this way.
 Get your hands on a large syringe like one from an epoxy or hobby kit.  You can get them from a pharmacy if you tell them you don't want a needle so you don't look like a junkie.  Cut the bulb end of a tire valve clean off with a razor blade so it is perfectly flat and push it over the end of the syringe.  Put all of the fittings in the master to the best of your ability and fill the syringe with brake fluid and shoot the air out of the end just like the doctors do.
 Inject brake fluid into the ports one at a time until you see no bubbles coming UP into the master reservoir.
 I know it sounds weird and different but it works and once you do it that way you will never go back.  Cap them all off and apply a bit of pressure to the piston. If it stops dead you have all the air out.
