Chevrolet Repair: 1990 chevy silverado 1500 350v8, torx screws, chevy silverado
Questionhow to put on a new throttle positioning sensor. Was told it has to go on a certain way.
AnswerHey Erik,
The TPS is mounted to the passengers side of the throttle body and is secured with torx screws. Some models have a small adjustment but for the majority of them are just bolt on. If you have a volt meter check the voltage reference out to the ECM for adjustment. There will be three wires on it and with key on engine off you will have 5 volts on one wire, 0 volts (ground) on another and the middle wire will be somewhere between 0 and 5 volts. The idea is to get that adjustment to approximately .9v if memory serves me correctly. I have seen them anywhere from .4 to 1.1 and no anomalies have happened. All electrical repairs should be done with the battery disconnected.