Chevrolet Repair: power steering on one side only, wheel drive cars, 1997 chevy cavalier

QUESTION: My daughter's 1997 Chevy Cavalier (not sure if 2.0L,2.2L, or 2.3L engine) has suddenly stopped working when she turns right. Turning left is fine, but when straightening up after turning, there is no power assist. Obviously very difficult to turn.
Fluid is full. Just topped off last weekend (low, but not off the stick).
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your quick response,


  Its probably the steering rack itself.  Check the fluid for contamination but there isn't really much you can do other than try a conditioner and change the fluid.  Make sure the upper spring mounts aren't seized or binding.  You can do this by jacking up the whole car in the front and grabbing the front wheel and turning side to side wihout the car running.  You should be able to do this with little effort.
  Most rebuilt racks are under 200 bucks now and labour is about 3 hours.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Wayne.
Not exactly what I wanted to hear...but that's what I get for buying her a $2000 car. Already spent almost $1000 on it.
Is it that the rack gears are worn? Broken? Is there anything we could have done to prevent or delay this?

I've never experienced this before. Is this a common problem for Chevys of this age?

Thanks again,


  Years ago it used to be very common on all gm front wheel drive cars.  We used to call it 'morning sickness' because they typically did it when they were cold.
  Do make sure that the belt isn't slipping or something simple like that when you turn the wheel hard and be sure to double check the fluid.  It really doesn't hurt to try an additive and flush.  The reason I suspect the rack itself is that the pump is obviously able to supply flow and pressure because it works in one direction.  There must be an internal seal gone bad.  As far as preventative maintenance other than changing fluids according to the service book there really isn't anything you can do.  Sometimes a big pothole or a curb strike can cause trauma and help this problem along a bit.
