Chevrolet Repair: service light on, chevy silverado, filler necks
Question2002 Chevy silverado, v6 auto.
My fuel pump gave out on me, just prior to that the service light come on(of course). The pump was replaced and started and runs great. No misfires and tach stays still.The light is still on even after disconnecting the battery, and running the vehicle. The vehicle scan-- coolant sensor, evap system, multiple misfires.
Should I drop the tank and really check all the work, even though it was done correctly.Could it be a connection , evap hose not connected. How can I reset the light. Will a shop reset it to see if it comes back on, might not even be any faults?
AnswerHey Ruben,
It would be best to clear the codes and rescan them as soon as the light comes back on or if it does at all. If the oring on the top of the tank is not seated properly or the filler necks are not done up well they can cause pressure leaks in the tank and kick out EVAP codes. The codes will store in resident and history memory until cleared with code scanner. Ideally using a factory scan tool like a Tech2 will give not only the code but a snapshot of when the code came on and all of the criteria that was met. It would be nice to see the codes and how many kilometers they set. The lean and missfires would have set when the pump failed.