Chevrolet Repair: 2001 chevy venture, power window regulators, phillips screws
QuestionDrivers door window crank goes clunk clunk and window doesn't modve. How do I remove the door panel.
Either the regulator has broken or the mounts have pulled off of the bottom of the glass. The door panel's vary in installation depending on options and I imagine you only have locking doors. Remove the right upper cover on the other side of mirror. It is pushed on with a gm plastic insert GPI. Remove the door handle plate, and two large phillips screws that hold the handle to the door. In some cases depending on stereo option you have to remove the speaker. With all screws out start and the lower left part of the door with a fat screwdriver or scraper and gently start prying out the GPI's they are like litte white plastic 't's. Get ready to break a couple as it can happen to 1 or 2 or none at all. They must all be removed and then the door panel will slide up and off.
Door panels can be difficult to get off but the power window regulators on those vans can be very frustrating. If anything is riveted they are special rivits that take a huge special rivit gun. I don't advise attempting that repair if you have never had a door panel off before.