Chevrolet Repair: 99 chev lumina intake gaskets, chev lumina, push rods
QuestionHi, I have just replaced the intake gaskets on this car, and after reassembly the car misses, kinda sounds like a valve. But I took it back apart and everything seems to be in the right spot. I noticed that the push rods are differant lenghts, Intakes short and exhaust are long. Any advice would be very helpfull. Thanx
AnswerHi Garrett...check to be sure that the push rods wre in properly...install heads and pushrods then turn over engine and be sure rockers are all moving....make sure you didn't mix up rods IE: short rod in long rod spot....if it didn't miss before you did gaskets that should be your problem....a compression test will tell you which one is mixed up....hope this helps... happy new year