Chevrolet Repair: p1345, crank sensor, cam sensor
QuestionIhave a 99 s10 4.3 with a p1345 that I can't erase.I recently installed cap rotor&wires.I checked the crank sensor plug & all wiring in harness I could get to.I hear far too many stories about people changing sensors with no change for the good so i'm wondering if maybe I may have bumped something on the dist during maintenance? Also I never removed the dist so it is still in the right spot.any ideas on what to check would be a great help thanks in advance. dusty
AnswerI'm assuming you did not have the trouble code before you installed the distributor cap, rotor, and wires, correct? If so I would take a closer look at the cam sensor in the distributor. Possibly you bumped or disturbed it. Remove the connector and inspect the terminal contact. If no problem is found, then I suggest performing the diagnostic code chart for P1345.