Chevrolet Repair: 1988 chevy c1500 2wd 305ci--- wont start, haynes repair manual, chevy c1500
Question3 months ago i experienced random engine stalls while driving. i replaced everything from the ignition control module, rotor, cap, coil, plugs. everything went fine for the next 2.5 months. for the past 2 weeks i have been experiencing the same problem as before. when the engine stalls i MUST push gas peddle to the floor to get engine to start. i thought it was the ignition contol module again, so i replaced the part. after swap engine sounded better than it ever has. i drove the truck 1/10th of a mile, parked went into the grocrey store, came back out and engine would not start..... no fire from coil, replaced coil and still no fire from coil. looking in haynes repair manual all ignition control seems to trace back to the "POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE"... where is this located, part of ECM??
any advice you have is greatly appriecated.
AnswerHi ken... ecm should be under dash on passanger side...try tapping it while cranking....check for ign referance at the ign module while cranking. also check wires at ign module make sure they are not grounding against the dist housing. also check that there is no runout in the dist itself. remove cap and watch dist shaft while cranking it should run straight...if not it could be the hall effect in the dist not enough air gap between the reluctor and pick up (touching as it turns) hope this helps...merry christmas