Chevrolet Repair: oil leak 1996 cavalier, oil leak, oil change
QuestionI have been monitoring my oil and it seems like there may be a minor leak...we have checked the past few days and the size of the puddle isn't very big. but i have had to top off some oil lately because its either leaking alot when I am driving or consuming alot. Also when I am driving the oil sign in my dash will come up when I am braking at a stop sign etc. but when i hit the accelerator the sign goes away. I have been told to get an oil change and get the area shampooed and monitor it for a few weeks to see how bad it is. Thing is that about 3-4 months ago I had the engine cleaned and different gaskets changed so im not sure if i should waste my time with that. So I am wondering if i could get an idea of what this may be. And when i go to the garage for a repair how do i find out if they are getting the best of me and telling me there is more than one leak.
AnswerHi Aly... first off if you had some gaskets changed before could this be where your leak is..i would check that first. i would clean engine and then run it after it has dried and see if you can see where it is comming from, there is a dye you can buy to put in the oil and use a black light to find the problem as well...hope this helps...merry christmas