Chevrolet Repair: 88 chevy caviler starter, chevy caviler, question pool
Questionhow do i change the starter in a 88 chevy caviler i think its a 2.2
AnswerI found this in the 'question pool'. I am not the orginal person you asked and I am sure you are back on the road. Anyway here is an attempt at an answer.
This is cake. Two bolts and possibly a bracket. You will have two wires going to it. One big and one small. Big is battery voltage. Once disconnected, it may arc on metal so disconnect the neg. cable at the battery. The small one is your ign. switch. Disconnect the bracket at the rear if there is one. Bend it out of the way. Two big bolts going up through the starter. Once disconnected the starter will drop down. Switch with new one and reconnect in reverse.
Hope this helps.