Chevrolet Repair: interior lights and drivers power door lock, door switches, test light
Questionwe have a 99 suburban 1500 4x4, 350 engine, 92000 mi, new to us 1 day, interior lights dont come on when doors are open and we already dbl checked the dome override button. they do however come on when you hold the power door switch down on either front door. they turn off as soon as you release the botton. We thought maybe it was the front control panel switch on the drivers door but a new one had the same results. we checked the bottons on the inside of doors to be sure they were coming out all of the way and not stuck. They are good. Also, drivers side power door lock will lock with switch, but not unlock. the actuator is good, the key chain power door controls dont work either. bought new batteries for those too. Oh and the dome light control switch on the dash does turn the lights on, so its not that the bulb is bad or anything. please help.
AnswerHi Jennifer and chris.... sounds like a wiring problem...and they are always fun to do...i would start by checking continuity in the circut. test for it at the int bulb.because it is the end of the circut.then work your way to the dome switch. somewhere in the system it is not completing the circut when you open the doors.the door switches you can check by unpluging them put 12 volts to one side and open and close switch have test light on the other terminal and see if test light, lights. if it does switch is good. drivers side power door lock test the same way. put power in and light should come on when you test the lock or unlock terminal. if it doesnt light up on the unlock terminal replace switch. also check the module for the power locks for you key chain remote... i Hope this helps...