Chevrolet Repair: 1993 chevy silverodo, chevy silverodo, gas filter
QuestionQUESTION: truck has 47 plus k on it,been siting for three to four years,will start,will not stay running.alt gauge will not go to 14 volts. what is remedy for it.wu5w6
ANSWER: Assuming the battery is good and the cables are tight and you have power on the heavy red wire going to the alternator you will have to replace your alt.
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QUESTION: still original question;the truck will not stay running on its own, have to play with gas to keep it is like something is keeping the gas from getting to the throttle body,is there a filter at the throttle or coming out of the gas tank?
AnswerThe truck has a gas filter located near the gas tank in the feed line heading towards the throttle body. If the truck sat that long you could have bad fuel that doesn't ignite correctly. Try adding new fuel and changing the fuel filter. While you have the filter off test the fuel psi it should be 13 pounds or greater. If not you will need a fuel pump.