Chevrolet Repair: 1997 chev lumina 3.1 l v6, head gaskets, h power
Questionbackgrounder: bought quite cheap, replaced failed tranny, now stiff especially when cold, warranty wont cover stiff tranny they suggest replacing tranny cable? is this not part of all of the tranny! overheats constantly, going through litres of coolant, replaced water pump, thermostat, regular maintenance done, new spark plug got a tone of power back. at 110km/h power surges slowing down/hesitating. check engine light on error code p0441. anyway my car is hot and stiff and am utterly bothered. help
AnswerHi damon... after replacing all of that and you still have an overheat problem i would check to see if you need head gaskets. this would cause all those problems...stiff trans shift could be bad cable... try disconecting it at the trans and see if it is still stiff... if not could be internal in the trans...if it is replace the cable... hope this helps