Chevrolet Repair: 96 monte carlo 3.4 stallswhen put into drive, chevy monte carlo, wiring connector
QuestionHi, I have a 1996 chevy monte carlo that stalls when put into drive but does not stall when placed in reverse. The engine runs great and does not lope, surge or sputter. No loss of power either. I'm thinking that the problem is with the transmission. as soon as it is placed in drive the engine comes to a sudden stop. Thanks!
AnswerI have never ran across this problem before.
When putting vehicle into drive does it engage hard and then stall like there is a too much load on the engine? If yes the problem may be in your transmission.
If it just stalls like turning the key off, it seems that would be more electrical. Possibly loose wiring connector.
You can wiggle around the wiring harness especially by the ignition module and coil to see if engine stalls or sputters. This may narrow it down for you.