Chevrolet Repair: 1987 pontiac fiero gt, 1987 pontiac fiero, pontiac fiero

im confused as to why i have no heat im not sure if the thermostat is sticking or bad. when i got the car the thermostat was not in the housing i know that the hose on the back going into the motor gets hot but not hard you can squeeze it a good bit. im not sure as too what the situation is i do know that the radiator is newer but when i removed the cap i seen what looked to be some sludge on the top of the neck.

Hi Josh,

I found this question in the question trash can.  Once it ends up there, any expert can answer it.  I hope I can help.  

No thermostat is not going to give  you heat.  A thermostat stuck open is the same thing as not having one.  A stuck closed one closes a cooling path and causes overheat.  

No heat with not overheat can be caused by low coolant, bad radiator cap, or thermostat stuck open.  

That sludge you meantioned is possibly oil in the radiator, or aeriation.  Aeriation is fine.  Means you may want to bleed the cooling system if possible.  Oil can indicate a leaky radiator with tranny fluid from trans cooler in radiator.  It can be a little oil added from prior owner.  Some people think this lubricates the water pump.  Oil can also indicate a leak between motor oil and coolant.  Head gasket is likely cause of this condition.  Without seeing your sludge it is hard to pinpoint just why it is there.

Good luck with this.