Chevrolet Repair: 1982 Chevy s10 2.8 6 cyl no power., chevy s10, blown fuses

I am trying to figure out if my s10 has a fusible link or not.  My son was using it today to drive to work.  When he went out to lunch it would not start.  One of his co-workers volunteered to help boost it.  Turns out they crossed the jumpers and there was a bit of smoking.  I did find 2 blown fuses in the fuse panel but when you turn the ignition on, nothing.  You get no lights no heater motor no sign of life in the cab at all.  I do get headlights but nothing else.  Any assistance here would be appreciated.  Thanks for your time in advance.

Hi David,  there is a lots of fuse links in that system... should be a black plastic holder on the firewall that has wires bolted to it, check the link there as that should be your main power to the fuse panel, could also be one one the wire going to the starter, link should be almost at the starter....should be on the same post as the battery cable...hope this helps