Chevrolet Repair: 1990 chevy 1500 v6 fuel problem, oil pressure sending unit, 1990 chevy 1500
Questionhi yes i have a 1990 chevy truck and its not getting any fuel at all i have replaced he fuel pump cause it went bad then two months later i replace it agian thinking that was the problem and its not my truck is not gatting any fuel at all and i beleve there is no power getting to the fuel pump either and no there is no kinked lines nor is the filter on backwards cause that is two months old
AnswerHi Patrick... if you have no power at the pump check the circut, the fuse and the relay. do you have power to the relay when you turn the key on.also check the oil pressure sending unit for an open circut as it also controls the fuel pump circut. another test is the fuel pump test wire.there should be a wire on the drivers side of the engine. it will have a female connector on it. single wire only. that is the test wire for the pump. put 12 volts to it and it should turn on the pump. if it does the problem is in the relay/ fuse circut... hope this helps