Chevrolet Repair: my s10 blazer wont shift out of low!!, s10 blazer, shift out
Questionhi, i recently bought an 86 s10 blazer with an 87 s10 motor 2.8 l v6. and the transmission wouldnt shift out of low. the person i bought it from said it was a vacum line,so of course i check that and fix that problem. but the thing is. it still wont shift.. the tranny fluid isnt burnt up, reverse and drive work fine, no slips.. but i cant get out of low. and if i try and shift it manually it still wont shift. if you could tell me what the problem is and how to fix it id greatly appriciate it!
AnswerIt could abe that your detent cable is pulled all the way out. You will need an assistant to hold the throttle to the floor while you depress the half moon shaped button on the detent cable. THERE IS A LOCK RETAINER ON THE DETENT CABLE. If that doesn' work then you have bigger problems. Maybe the detent is too long for the vehicle.